
Let's Do This

Portfolio 2.0 Coming Soon!

Hi, I'm Bruno

A Full-Stack Developer

I'm a full-stack developer with a passion for using technology to solve problems while making life easier...and fun! I have 10+ years of experience in IT across multiple industries. I decided to dive into software development and graduated from the Flatiron School Software Engineering program / bootcamp. I've started my journey to level up my skillset and career and I'm excited for what's to come!

About Me

I'm bilingual (English and Portuguese) and a dual citizen of the United States and Portugal (EU). I enjoy adventure, traveling and food. My hobbies include tinkering with technology, snowboarding, motorsports, DIY, camping, music and gardening.

Profile Pic

What I've Built

New Recoup

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Bruno Aguiar

Full Stack Developer

I am available for full-stack web, mobile and application development in freelance or full-time positions.

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